Useful Unity UI #001: Beasts of Balance Bestiary

This is possibly the first entry in a possible series of entries where I will take a quick stab at recreating a cool UI effect in Unity. Sometimes it’s the simplest effects that can have a big impact, and make your interface jump from workmanlike to downright appealing. For this entry, I wanted to highlight a neat concept within the collection display of the game, Beasts of Balance.

The Inspiration

Beasts of Balance is a really clever game that coordinates physical pieces with an app. Most concepts like this just feel gimmicky, but this one is very well done and we have played it often in my house. 

The Beasts of Balance game

The Beasts of Balance game

Part of the game is creating various beast combinations in each successive game that you play. Each new creature you uncover is recorded in the app’s Bestiary, and that’s the piece I want to focus on.

Watch the video below to see the bestiary open up and reveal each discovered critter. Please note that we use a very old iPad to play this game, so any frame rate hiccups in this video are most likely all the fault of this old device. I am sure it is smooth as silk on something that is less than five years old.

Quick clip showing the Beasts of Balance Bestiary opening within the app

Looks pretty slick, right? Each beast is unveiled smoothly inside of a hexagon. The cool part is, this is pretty easy to do, and it’s a technique that is easy to apply to any group of UI elements you might want to animate into place. I think this is a particularly strong technique for a collection manager like this, and even stronger with this flat-shaded 2D art style Beasts of Balance is rocking.

The meat of the collection reveal effect comes in the animation of each creature’s hexagon display. Having each item scale up from zero--perhaps with a little jiggle to make it cute--isn’t too uncommon of a practice when revealing a grouping of UI elements. In Beasts of Balance, however, what is happening inside the hexagon makes it look a little cooler than usual.

As each item scales up from nothingness, the creature inside is scaling smaller to fit. It’s as if a small camera is zooming out to capture the full size of whatever dwells inside the hexagon. To me, this simple effect grabs the eye and makes me want to study what is in each item a bit more closely; a nice attention grabbing technique that is easy to pull off.

The Recreation

First of all, I decided to create my own little critters for this, and I regret it. I should have just snagged some Kenney assets and moved on, but here we are. Everything in this example is intended to just quickly show some techniques, but doesn’t show the usual polish I would apply to an interface like this (with help from actual artists). Also, since my intention was to highlight elements of the bestiary’s methods, I kept the opening screen as bare bones as possible.

Programmer art creatures doing their thing

Programmer art creatures doing their thing

The key to getting this effect in place is using effective masking within each collection object. To make this easier, each collection item is created using a prefab with all elements in place. Some of these elements may not be necessary depending on the look you’re going for, but I was trying to hew pretty closely to what Beasts of Balance is doing.

The setup of the collection item prefab

The setup of the collection item prefab

Note that I have the drop shadow layer at the very back, and just above that is the “Mask” layer. This mask contains the masking shape I want to use (a hexagon), and its children will be masked out accordingly. Its children being the background and the “CharacterRect” object, which will have the character sprites appended at runtime. Then on top of the mask, lies the border that will hide the edges of the masking with a nice frame.

The mask image settings

The mask image settings

This setup allows the character’s image to extend beyond whatever the current size of the hexagon is, but be masked so that just the portions inside the hexagon are visible. There are a few different masking options available in Unity now, and some are better for different situations. For this setup, the classic Mask component seemed to be most appropriate.

At the top level of this prefab, I have also applied an Animator component. This component will animate the sizing of the collection item. Note that using a separate animator for each of the items may become a performance bottleneck, especially when we’re also dealing with a scroller. If you actually use a technique like this in a project, refer to this excellent guide to clean up any of these slowdowns.

When the user enters the collection, a BeastsCollectionCanvas.cs script clears out any existing collection items and spawns in new ones to fill up the scroller. My simple script allows you to set the number of items from between 10 and 100, and it will just randomly use one of the three critters I created for each one. I also allow the time between each character’s reveal to be varied, and this just allows for a slow uncovering of the whole collection, similar to Beasts of Balance.

Despite my programmer art, I think the reveal effect comes across well and it illustrates how easy it is to pull off an effect like this in your own project.


Maybe I’m being a little tough on my own art—the first thing to be overhauled—but there are other things to fix up as well. If I were to implement this into a real project, I would create a better transition from the main menu into the collection. For now, it just pops from one to the other, just like Beasts of Balance does. Does anyone notice this while playing that game? Probably not, but it’s something I would personally try to smooth out.

The text here is a bit washed out, and I would probably try swapping to TextMeshPro in place of the standard UI text elements. I must note that I am pretty sure I am using the exact font used in Beasts of Balance, which I just stumbled into while looking for something similar. It’s a really good font, and free to use!

There are also many optimization tactics I would put into this project, even before a slowdown was apparent. Again, this link is a great checklist to go down periodically when developing a user interface with Unity. It’s hard to get too into the weeds on a sample like this since there is no definitive architecture that this fits into at this point, so I treated it all as a simple standalone project.

Take a look through the project and its hierarchy to see how each piece fits together if you’re interested. Feel free to borrow any of the code or pieces that will make your life easier too! I have no plans to extend this into a part of any current projects.

Also, if you have any cool UI effects you’d like me to try and recreate, I am up for a challenge. Please leave a comment with your suggestions/requests!

Bonus Note

When prototyping, I often use a little trick to not add a bunch of cruft to a project early on. Sometimes, this trick even gets used in final versions of a project depending on the platform and style I am working with--it’s very mobile friendly!

If you need a nice looking background quickly, you can create a texture that is 2x2 pixels. Then use different colors to get a nice gradient effect when the bilinear filtering is applied. This is the tactic I used on the background for the characters in this sample project. You can also just make it a 1x2, but I like to go ahead and get rid of any Power of Two warnings in the inspector.

Space saving gradient background

Space saving gradient background

I have fallen back to this little tactic while frantically finishing game jams, but also when prototyping. When used in the right situation, it can look good enough to stay in a production release.

When the Map Makes the Dungeon

After playing the classic dungeon crawler, Eye of the Beholder for a few hours, I had a wacky idea that I needed to throw together. Playing a classic like this normally requires mapping the catacombs by hand as you go. This is a big change from more modern games, like Etrian Odyssey, where the mapping is built right in. This somewhat tedious, somewhat meditational practice made me wonder if it would be fun to create the dungeon as you map it, instead of vice-versa. Then a whole flood of mechanics came to mind that could go along with this, but the first step was a must: have the dungeon build  itself from the map you make.

This is a prototype-prototype, so no definitive game was expected at the planned end of this exercise. I just wanted to rough out the concept and see if it felt like it had any legs. Everything is in Unity, and my rudimentary pixel art was done with Pyxel Edit.

Basic Layout

The biggest chunk of this project was building a mesh for the actual dungeon geometry as you lay out a map. To keep things simple (and classical, like Eye of the Beholder), I stuck with a nice grid of squares to represent each dungeon tile. Since I was trying to be speedy, I decided I would rely on raycasts to the dungeon grid plane to place the tiles. Each tile is one unit squared. 

My simple plane with grid atop

My simple plane with grid atop

I placed an orthographic camera looking down on the grid to capture mouse clicks to place the tiles. This could be considered a secondary camera to the primary, first-person view. You can see how I use this mapping camera over in my somewhat sparse UI on the right.

Editor view showing the first-person view and the ersatz UI

Editor view showing the first-person view and the ersatz UI

From the first person view, you can see the empty grid spread out in front of you. I tied ray-casting to the orthographic camera in the UI so that when you hover over a grid space, a highlighting object appears over that grid square, visible in both the UI and the first-person view. Clicking on a tile will add that tile to the dungeon mesh. This is when the actual mesh making begins. 

Mesh Making

I split the dungeon into three mesh sections: floor, ceiling, and walls. The floor and ceiling are the most straight-forward. With each added dungeon tile, a four-vertex mesh is added to the existing floor and ceiling meshes, composed of two triangles (your typical square, folks). Each mesh has its own material, with its own tiled texture. For now, there is no variation among the tiles of each mesh, although this is something I’d like to implement.

A view looking up at the generated ceiling mesh with its texture applied

A view looking up at the generated ceiling mesh with its texture applied

As stated earlier, I am just using one mesh each for the ceiling and floor, so new tiles are just added to the vertex, triangle, and uv arrays. The relative position of the different added tiles didn’t really matter at this stage, but I did keep track of each tile as it was incorporated into the mesh. This comes in handy when I started adding the walls.

To make the walls, I assumed that any floor tile with an adjacent floor tile would not have a wall between. Essentially, each space between walls would be an entire tile. So, as dungeon tiles are selected to be added to the mix, each tile’s custom class is updated to record which adjacent tiles are populated.

Cycling through each populated tile and placing walls on the sides that require them, and ensuring that the visible side is facing the side with the floor. In this quick mock up, I just clear the entire wall mesh and make a new one. This is what needs a major coding update, but wasn’t really required to prove out this concept. 

You can see how it all comes together in this short video I made placing the tiles and then doing a bit of exploring.

A quick look at the Dungeon Maker concept

Future Ideas

The first step would be cleaning up the mesh generation a little, primarily with the wall methods mentioned. This would just involve some optimization of array manipulation for the most part -- this I will probably do regardless of any other additions. Also, some texture variety is needed, and I’ll have to gin up a shader to help with this, in addition to deciding if the textures will be random or intentional based on certain factors.

Outside of basic code and art improvements, I have had several ideas to make this into an actual game. Perhaps it would be fun enough to build a dungeon to reach a known treasure location? Certain obstacles could be in the way making this a bit more of a puzzler than a dungeon crawler. Maybe it could be a timed dungeon escape as a one-hit-kill monster or hazard chases your character as you map and run out of the created dungeon. Both of these ideas have some merit, and shouldn’t be too difficult as an extension of this prototype to test out.

Almost all of my other ideas involve digging into a combat system of some sort, and the options there just kind of explode. This is my main hesitation from continuing this for now. Not that I don’t want to work on such a thing, I just don’t have the time to commit to doing it well at the moment.

If you want any more details about how this was done so you can start doing something similar, feel free to send me an email and ask. No deep trade secrets here, and I’d love to help get someone started on a dungeon diving game with a twist.